@article{oai:reitaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000006, author = {吉澤, 五郎 and Yoshizawa, Goro}, journal = {比較文明研究, Journal for the Comparative Study of Civilizations}, month = {Jun}, note = {1. Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Toynbee The present age is the great time of change in the history of human civilizations,which demands a holistic view of the history of mankind and the recognition of mutual relationships. Toynbee is one of the predecessors who were aware of intellectual change of the world. It is of great significance for us to learn of Toynbee's historical insight and perspective in this 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Toynbee. 2. The Toynbee Thought of Today-An indicator for the study of Globalization Toynbee pursued "Globalization"in a unique historical perspective as if he anticipated today's problem. He examines the future theory of the world state historically. The unification of the world and its destiny after the modern age, its holistic viewpoint and the esotericism of human existence have profound ideological meaning. 3. Toynbee's intellectual background-overcoming love of Hellenism Toynbee's special field is traditional"Classical Greece." But his intellectual interest expands the traditional periodization of history to the whole history of Greece. After his "Thucydides experience"during the first World War, he begins to see the drastically changing modern history, and the expansion and deepening of historical cognizance became the fountainhead of cultivating his own intellect. 4. Toynbee's Comparative Civilization-beyond "modern historicism" Toynbee's comparative civilization intends to overcome traditional historical science with academic reexamination. His proposal is new comprehensive science transcending modern Europe-centrism and autonomy of historical science. Toynbee's A Study of History, his magnum opus, symbolizes an academic transformation from history to comparative civilization, which renews historical study. 5. The Image of 21st century Civilization and Toynbee We are in the Age of Global civilization and the new division of world history. We need to construct a "global ethos"(a common value system of mankind) which cultivates the identical unity of man and historical commonality.It is our mission and is very important to reconsider Toynbee's great concept and intellectual heritage as an academic paradigm of the 21st century.}, pages = {1--20}, title = {アーノルド・トインビーの肖像-歴史学から比較文明学への道-}, volume = {15}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ヨシザワ, ゴロウ} }