@article{oai:reitaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000353, author = {Addison, Neil Matthew and Addison, Neil Matthew}, issue = {1}, journal = {麗澤学際ジャーナル, Reitaku Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is the intention of this paper to pursue the argument that diglossia exists as a tool of control which can restrict the access of lower language status speakers to global discourse. Starting with Bakhtin’s definition of language as heteroglot, this paper will proceed with an analysis of Fergusson’s diglossia, and attempts will be made to analyze what diglossia is, and how it leads to conflict between high status and dialectical language users. English’s role as a high status language is also examined, and it is argued that English, whilst offering opportunity and emancipation for some language learners, can also operate as a barrier to progress for others. This paper will then pursue the argument that, due to the relationship between English and economic market forces, English ultimately bestows the most advantages and power upon language users from native speaker countries, and in doing so threatens to marginalize the position of other languages. Finally this discussion will conclude by looking at what can be done to avoid the exclusion of other languages and language users from access to global voice.}, pages = {37--54}, title = {Diglossia and Language Legitimacy:Examining how divergences in languages function as discourses of power.}, volume = {21}, year = {2013}, yomi = {アディソン, ニール} }