@article{oai:reitaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000134, author = {影山, 僖一 and Kageyama, Kiichi}, issue = {2}, journal = {麗澤経済研究, Reitaku International Journal of Economic Studies}, month = {Sep}, note = {The article intends to clarify the specific aims of the American army which occupied and ruled Japan since the end of the Pacific war. The occupied army tried to weaken the fighting spirits of the Japanese army. The ocuppied forces had taken 3 steps to weaken Japanese powers. That is to say, the resolution of many big corporate groups, and the democratization of education systems and the de-regulation of the bureaucracy for the new entries of firms to the Japanese indusustries.As a result of the various steps taken by the occupied forces, Japan is now faced with the long-lasting economic stagnation, after the 30 years of economic expansion since 1955.}, pages = {63--74}, title = {日本企業の経営者革命と教育改革 -社会経済活性化に向けた新提案-}, volume = {19}, year = {2011}, yomi = {カゲヤマ, キイチ} }